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The Ann Romney Center for Neurologic Diseases Flow Cytometry Facility was established in 2000 and is managed by Rajesh Krishnan, a flow cytometrist with many years of experience in the field. It is a full-time, cell sorting facility with two BD FACSAria IIu, one LSRII analyzer, two FACSCalibur analyzers, and one Miltenyi MACSQuant analyzer. The facility provides flow cytometry analysis training as well as resources for researchers wanting to utilize flow cytometry technology. The facility services the Center, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, as well as outside researchers in the Longwood Medical Area. For more information or to book time on the facility’s instrumentation please contact Rajesh Krishnan.



Differentiation of T effector cells



Available to Gene Lay Institute investigators is the cutting-edge Genomics Platform for studies of the genomic regulation of cell circuits.

Established as the inaugural core of the Institute, the fully staffed Genomics Platform provides full-service single-cell RNA-sequencing, bulk RNA sequencing, and spatial transcriptomic/proteomic studies to its investigators. Another major interest within the Platform is the incorporation of new related technologies for use by GLI faculty through commercial or academic partnerships. Using customized robotics together with innovative, seamlessly connected high throughput computational pipelines for data analysis together with the Institute’s Computational Platform, the Genomics Platform seeks to accelerate basic and translational research discoveries across the flagship projects of the Institute.

Members of the Institute, or interested collaborators, are encouraged to reach out to the Faculty Director of the Platform, Dr. Michael Wheeler, with any inquiries regarding the services provided and their associated fees.

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